Welcome to the Oshkosh Area School District! Our administration is committed to supporting our students, staff, families, schools, district, and community.
Our school district's organizational chart shows the structure of executive director and cabinet-level positions in the Oshkosh Area School District. Our internal structure is designed to best serve principals, teachers, staff, and students by positioning district leadership so they can have direct, regular, quality interactions with our school leaders. View the latest version below.
OASD Central Office Administrators
Dr. Bryan Davis - Superintendent
Email address:
Primary professional advisor to the board
Responsible for the development, supervision, and operation of the school program and facilities
Primary outreach with the community
Dr. Samuel Coleman - Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
Email address:
- Supervises director of secondary schools, directors of elementary schools, director of special education, and director of pupil services
- Facilitates monthly All Administration (4K-12) Team Meetings
- Coordinates and oversees district-level assessments including data warehousing and reporting
- Oversees pre-expulsion, abeyance, alternative programming, and expulsions
- Oversees English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programming
Julie Conrad-Peters - Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Email address:
- Supervises executive director of business services, executive director of human resources, director of technology, and director of facilities
- Coordinates district enrollment and data collection/reporting systems
- Oversees facilities planning, strategic planning, staffing, buildings and grounds
- Oversee and collaborates with EPCOT team
- Main contact for customer concerns
Sabrina Johnson - Executive Director of Human Resources
Email address:
- Oversees recruitment, selection, and retention of all staff and substitutes
- Oversees employee handbook and board policies
- Administers compensation benefits and federal/state labor laws
- Coordinates District wellness initiatives
Drew Niehans - Executive Director of Business Services
Email address:
- Oversees budget development
- Provides long term budget forecasting
- Supervises payroll and employee benefits
- Manages District insurance (property, liability, worker's comp.)
- Oversees student transportation
Jackie Kiffmeyer - Director of Secondary Schools
Email address:
- Evaluate and support secondary principals
- Oversees secondary curriculum, instruction, and assessment
- Oversees academic and career planning
- Coordinates and oversees grading, reporting, and record keeping in Infinite Campus and Canvas
Dr. Kim Brown - Director of Elementary Schools
Email address:
- Evaluates and supports elementary principals
- Oversees elementary curriculum, instruction and assessment (literacy )
- Oversees grade 4K-5 literacy instructional materials that align to Board approved academic standards, and grade level outcomes; ensure alignment to Wisconsin State Standards and DPI endorsed supporting frameworks
- Oversees IST-Literacy, Title IA - literacy, grade 4K-12 GT/Retention
- Oversees Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) schools
Erin Kohl - Director of Elementary Schools
Email address:
- Evaluates and supports elementary principals
- Oversees elementary curriculum, instruction and assessment (math, science, social studies,)
- Oversees IST-Math, Title II (math)
Matt Kaemmerer - Director of Pupil Services
Email address:
- Oversees district health and mental health services for students, including 504 process
- Supervises school counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers
- Oversees alternative education programming
- Supports issues related to cultural responsiveness and pupil non-discrimination
Linda Pierron - Director of Special Education
Email address:
- Oversees special education and related services programming for students with IEPs
- Supervises speech pathologists, occupational/physical therapists, audiologists/DHH (deaf and hard of hearing) staff, vision staff, adaptive physical education staff, and special education paraprofessionals
- Oversees district-wide PBIS initiative
- Oversees transition programming, Project SEARCH site, and ensures IDEA compliance
Anthony Miller - Director of Community Engagement and Equity
Email address:
- Oversees district equity work
- Facilitates DEI Committee
- Serves as community and parent liaison on issues related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Oversees 21st Century Learning Centers (CLCs): Lighted School House and MELT
- Oversees Title IVB and Fund 80 Budget for CLCs
Jason Schmidt - Director of Technology
Email address:
- Provides oversight of all OASD data systems ensuring smooth interoperability between and among systems for all electronic reporting requirements
- Supervises the student information system (Infinite Campus) and learning management system (Canvas)
- Directs and supervises the OASD Technology Services Department
- Coordinates building access security systems and personnel identification
(For a complete list of accountability areas and assignment details, please see: OASD Executive Team Assignment Details 2023-2024.)