Students Experiencing Homelessness
Students experiencing homelessness are defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and include unaccompanied youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Students who are identified as homeless will be provided with a free and appropriate public education in the same manner as all other students in the Oshkosh Area School District. However, students who do meet the federal definition for homelessness receive additional rights and protections as a part of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. These rights and protections include, but are not limited to, the following:
Rights and Protections
Dispute Resolution
Families and youths experiencing homelessness have the right to challenge placement and enrollment decisions. The district will immediately enroll the student in the school in which enrollment is sought and provide the student with all services for which they are eligible until all disputes are resolved. Any dispute regarding the enrollment or assignment of a student experiencing homelessness will be referred to the district’s homeless liaison for expeditious resolution.
Contact Information
For school specific questions related to homelessness, contact the social worker at the respective school:
Mackenzie Harness (
- Early Learning
- Ready for Learning
Jodi Gunckel (
- Jefferson Elementary
- Oakwood Elementary
- Shapiro STEM
- South Park Middle
Rachael Hipke (
- Emmeline Cook
- Merrill Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Webster Stanley Elementary
Rebecca Holmes (
- Franklin Elementary
- Lakeside Elementary
- Roosevelt Elementary
- Perry Tipler Middle
Michelle Smithson (
- Vel Phillips Middle
Heather Wolters (
- Carl Traeger Elementary
- Carl Traeger Middle
- Oaklawn Elementary
- Read Elementary
Leah Olson (
- North High
Courtney Wagner (
- West High
Hannah Dumke (
- TRUE Academy
Homeless Liaison
For more information on homelessness or the dispute resolution process, contact the OASD Homeless Liaison:
Matthew Kaemmerer, Director of Pupil Services