
District Calendar and Bell Schedule

2024-2025 OASD School Year 

2024-2025 OASD School Year Calendar 

Special Start Dates: The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is Tuesday, September 3. The following grades have unique start dates - with students attending the first day of school as detailed.
  • Grades 1-12: First day of school is Tuesday, September 3.
  • Kindergarteners: There will be two different start days (first day of school) for all OASD kindergarteners  - Tuesday, September 3 OR Wednesday, September 4. All kindergarteners will attend their second day of school on Thursday, September 5. Families will be notified of their child’s assigned start day by their school in May/June.
  • Pre-kindergarteners: There will be two different start days (first day of school) for all OASD pre-kindergarteners - Wednesday, September 4 OR Thursday, September 5. Tuesday, September 3 is being used for pre-kindergartener Get-to-Know-You Conferences. Information about scheduling pre-kindergarten Get-to-Know-You Conference and their child's assigned start day will be shared with families in August.

The 4K and kindergarten staggered start will help our youngest students learn routines in a small group setting. 

Online Calendar of Events

OASD School and District Calendar of Events

Individual OASD school calendars can be found on each school website via the “Upcoming Events” section on a school's homepage.

The Oshkosh Area School District uses the rSchool Activity Scheduler as the district and school calendars. The web-based system provides many advantages including, instant access to the most up-to-date information, notification options, and more. Events that are going on throughout the District are entered into the calendar and the viewer has the option of viewing events by school and specific activity types.